How to make money from your Tumblr

Posted on March 25, 2019

Tumblr started way back in 2007 — it has held onto its popularity status for all this time. Since Tumblr is still holding its own in the social media realm, you may have heard that it's possible to make money from posting on the site. But is this true?

In fact, it is possible to make money on Tumblr! You should be aware, though, that you'll need roughly 100,00 followers to make any real earnings. This probably looks like a really daunting number!

Don't worry! Even if you're only standing at 100 followers on Tumblr, we can help you. With these three tips, both Tumblr newcomers and veterans alike can learn how to grow their following and earn the chance to make money in the future.

Way #1

1. Hashtags

Making money on Tumblr will be a whole lot easier if you use hashtags to your advantage. Tagging on Tumblr means what you post is more likely to be shared and spread around online. It also helps with organizing content.

Tip: Reaction hashtags are pretty popular these days — have you heard of them? Basically you show your reaction to content, such as #lol or #omg, depending on what reaction the content warrants.

Way #2

2. Engagement

Influencers on Tumblr who become uber popular usually will have a pretty great base of followers, but it's not just about the numbers — interaction with you and your posts is important too!

Callmart is our top-recommended way to find more engagement with followers and create long-lasting connections. Those types of connections are gold in social media. You simply set up a fee for fans to get in touch with you, have a chat, and get paid once the call ends. Everything is taken care of within the app.

Way #3

3. Follow back

Don't forget that following goes both ways. If someone follows you, then follow back and post about the interaction on your social media! They'll likely reciprocate and you'll get more attention driven toward your Tumblr. This won't make you money directly, but the added publicity is crucial to strengthening your account.

Tip: There are tools online to see who has followed you back or who has unfollowed you. You may want to become familiar with these.

Start earning money!

Callmart lets you monetize your down time with an easy-to-use platform. If you start today, you'll get your first three months free-of-charge!