How to gain more Twitter followers to make money online

Posted on March 25, 2019

The number of Twitter followers you have determines a lot. For example, if you can make money from the platform or not. So clearly if you're trying to be a big shot on Twitter, you'll have to focus on that follower count.

If making it big on Twitter is in fact your dream, then let's dive into a guide that will explore three ways to get your follower count moving in the right direction.

In this guide, we'll show you how to gain Twitter followers and increase your chances of making money by providing information for actions that actually get results.

Way #1

1. Make yourself sound like a pro in your bio

If your goal is to make money on Twitter, then no doubt you know you need a follower count that will grab the attention of the brands you want to work with.

First, you need to grab the attention of potential followers! Do this by writing a bio that sounds very professional and polished. It's okay to use humor, but just make sure it's tasteful. Include keywords that point to your personal brand identity, too.

Way #2

2. Connect with followers in new ways

These days, it's not enough just to make shallow connections in the comment section. Twitter followers are increasingly craving more genuine interactions with influencers. We recommend trying a charged communication app that will allow you to make money at the same time as boosting engagement with your following.

Charged communication is a new concept developed by the Callmart app. This innovative platform allows you to handle everything within the app from setting the price to getting paid after a phone call with a beloved follower.

Way #3

3. Make a tweet schedule

Twitter followers like to see regular content from their favorite users. So if you want to increase your following and make money from the platform, you need to tweet often but also at varying times.

We understand it's impossible to be ever-present online, so we recommend scheduling tweets with apps like Twittimer. This will allow you to reach a more international audience in different time zones.

It's time to earn money!

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