Use a business Facebook page to earn money

Posted on March 25, 2019

In these days where the Internet rules everything, it's necessary to be present online as much as possible if you're a business owner. If you don't already have a business Facebook page, we can teach you how to create one to start earning more money.

You are probably super busy operating your business, but we also want to show you additional ways to monetize your time with maximum efficiency.

That's why today we'll explore three of the best ways to earn money online, including by creating a business Facebook page, selling on the Marketplace, and optimizing the time you spend away from Facebook, too!

Way #1

1. Create a business Facebook page

Creating a business Facebook page will help you earn money by boosting brand awareness. These pages can be highly detailed, so potential customers can find the information they want and feel at ease choosing your business.

Note: It's important to fill out the details of a business page completely so that the information doesn't appear patchy. Customers like to see pages that have had some time put into them and appear completed.

Way #2

2. Monetize your time spent off of Facebook

Now that you've made your first business Facebook page, let's look at a way you can earn money off of Facebook via charged communication.

Callmart allows you to monetize your free time in a way that is most convenient for you. Charge your customers for communication — selling your time and knowledge is the smartest new way to earn money online.

Way #3

3. Learn to sell in the Facebook Marketplace

Apart from your business Facebook page, there's another corner of Facebook that's really important to know about if you're selling products online — the Facebook Marketplace.

This is a centralized buy/sell platform for Facebook users to sell goods at prices they determine with no portion of sales going to Facebook. That's right — you keep everything you earn. We think that's a big perk of the Marketplace.

It's money time!

Monetize your free time away from Facebook by using Callmart — and get three months free when you register today!