How to Get Twitter Followers in 2019: Gain real, organic followers!

With everything from breaking live news updates to presidents spilling their secrets on Twitter, you know that it’s a popular and important social media platform. Twitter’s even more important when you think of the fact that 79% of all Twitter accounts are based outside of the United States according to Omnicore; it’s an extremely global platform. If you’re reading this, of course, there’s a good chance that you already have a Twitter account.
Like any other social media platform, you probably want followers for your Twitter account. Whether it’s for a personal confidence boost, a bet you made with a friend, or because you’re a digital marketer who runs your brand’s Twitter, you want those Twitter followers.

So, how is it you gain followers? The easiest way out would be to just buy them. Many (admittedly sketchy) websites offer Twitter followers in exchange for money, but most of these are just bot followers that won’t help with your engagement (and might actually get you suspended from Twitter!).
Well then, there has to be a better way to do it. With a little patience, you too can have thousands of real, organic followers and be a Twitter influencer and celebrity!
Tips and tricks to boost your follower count

Unfortunately, there isn’t some magic spell that’ll automatically gain you 10,000 followers overnight. Instead, we’ll be showing you some real methods to gain those 10,000 followers in a few months instead!
Let’s have a look at some tried and true tips and tricks to growing your Twitter followers.
1. Make your profile stand out
This doesn’t mean make your profile multi-coloured, neon, and blinding (unless that’s your brand/image, of course!). Rather, it means to make your profile neat, clean, yet eye-catching. Your profile picture should be either your unobscured face or your brand’s logo. Your header photo shouldn’t be too complicated; the neater the better. Your bio should be clear, to-the-point, and should include relevant hashtags.
2. Tweet often
CoSchedule found that the best amount of Tweets daily is between three and seven. However, always err on the side of more. There is so much content to Tweet. Everything from life updates, to articles your followers (and potential followers!) might like, to breaking news, to Retweeting from your followers: the possibilities are endless.
3. Use hashtags
Adding a few hashtags to your Tweets makes them easier for potential new followers to find. Using free online tools (which we discuss in detail later) can help you find the best hashtags for your Tweets. Some hashtags bring in more followers than others, so use them strategically!
4. Post at peak times
If you Tweet while your potential followers are asleep, there’s a good chance that your Tweets will be for naught. According to SproutSocial‘s research, the best days and times of day to Tweet are weekdays in the early and late afternoons. There are free tools to schedule your Tweets, so don’t worry about getting the timing just right! We’ll go into depth with Twitter tools later.
5. Engage with your followers
So you have thousands of followers – that doesn’t mean they’ll follow you forever! Make sure to engage with them as much as possible, to show them that you care about them. Follow them back, mention them in your Tweets, reply to and Retweet their Tweets, and so on.
6. Link your Twitter to your other social media accounts
If you’ve got a Twitter, chances are you’ve got Instagram, Facebook, a website, and so on. Link your Twitter to every single one of them! The more Internet exposure your Twitter profile gets, the better. This is especially true if you have a sizable following on a different platform.
7. Learn from Twitter influencers
We’ll show you some concrete examples of great Twitter profiles later, but in general – look at some Twitter profiles with hundreds of thousands of followers to see what they’re doing right! You can find some on our website, The Influencer Times, especially in these categories: Mentor, Gamer, and Entrepreneur.
Tools to help you increase Twitter followers

We all need a little help sometimes. As promised, here are some of our recommended free tools to help you optimize your profile and gain Twitter followers!
1. Buffer
Buffer will help you post your Tweets at the peak times! Buffer is a free tool that allows you to queue and schedule your Tweets. Once you set the time (and timezone, in case your target audience is overseas!), your Tweets will be sent out automatically.
2. RiteTag
RiteTag is a tool that helps you find the right hashtags for your Tweets. Type in a hashtag to see how popular it is! You can also get suggestions for hashtags if you’re unsure.
3. Pablo
Another tool by Buffer, Pablo uses copyright-free images from Unsplash to create images for your Tweets. Tweets with images are 94% more likely to be Retweeted, according to this study. This tool lets you add text to images easily.
4. Twitonomy
Twitonomy is a tool that creates visualisations of Twitter analytics, whether it be your own or someone else’s profile. You can get insights on your followers, monitor your engagement, and more!
Examples of great Twitter accounts
Looking at examples is probably the easiest way to learn. We’ve taken some influencers from The Influencer Times‘ database and had a look at their (excellent) Twitter profiles! Alright, let’s dive in!
Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen‘s Twitter is wildly famous for her funny and sassy Tweets, as shown by her 10.7 million follower count. Her hilarity shows in her bio – “un-motivational speaker”. Although most people put their professions, achievements, and interests in their bios, if you’re as famous as Chrissy you really don’t need to. Everyone knows who she is, so she uses her bio to show off her amazing sense of humour. Both her photos are great, as they clearly show her face and her occupation as a model.
Rosanna Pansino

Rosanna Pansino‘s Twitter profile is very clear and easy to understand. She states her professions as a YouTuber, baker, and author in her bio. In addition, she adds her achievement as a New York Times bestseller. Rosanna also throws in a dash of humour at the end with her last sentence. Her profile picture and header match, adding to the neatness of the profile. She also wastes no space by advertising her new book in her header photo. This is a prime example of a great Twitter profile!
Felicity Morse

With censored profanity,Felicity Morse‘s Twitter profile definitely stands out. Felicity lists her professions in her bio, as well as an offer to reach out to her and a tie-back to her book. Her profile picture and header match but aren’t the same picture, creating a good balance of neatness and diversity. Advertising her book in her header is also excellent. Something else we noticed is that Felicity follows a LOT of people, almost one-third of her follower count, and Tweets a lot. These are all contributors to high engagement rates!
Asha Rangappa

We love Asha Rangappa‘s Twitter profile! She’s got a great professional headshot as her profile picture, a very impressive and official-looking header, and a well-written bio. She mixes her professions with her interests and information on her personal life. Also, she tags the Twitter accounts of people she’s worked for/with, which is great for exposure since every time someone searches for these companies, her profile will come up as well.
In conclusion . . .

Do you now have a better idea of how to gain more Twitter followers? We sure hope you do! If you want more examples of stellar Twitter accounts, we recommend looking at our Ranking page to see the current most popular influencers on The Influencer Times and their Twitter accounts.
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